Partnering public research
University of Bordeaux, University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, Bordeaux Montaigne University, University of La Rochelle, Bordeaux INP engineering schools, Bordeaux University Hospital, Bergonié Institute, CNRS, INSERM, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Sciences Po Bordeaux , your opportunities for collaboration are many and varied, on all your topics of innovation.
Becoming a partner of the Aquitaine public research laboratories allows you to benefit from scientific skills and expertise for the development of your innovative projects. It is a real lever for growth and competitiveness for your company.
Develop an innovation with research collaboration
Through a research partnership, you reduce your R & D costs, limit your risks and secure Intellectual Property. This collaboration can take the form of a project in the short, medium or long term.
Your company and the partner laboratory will work together to develop an innovation. You will share the management of the project, the financing, the Intellectual Property and of course the fruits of the commercial exploitation of your innovation. Collaborating with public research, you will also be better eligible for the Research Tax Credit (contact us to find out more).
Aquitaine Science Transfert helps you to identify laboratories and puts you in touch with the expert researcher (s) of the theme. Once the scientific program is established, Aquitaine Science Transfert negotiates and drafts the collaboration contract. The management of the contract is then transferred to the institution on behalf of which we have negotiated the contract

Thanks to the CIFRE (Industrial Research Training Conventions), you are subsidized to hire a doctoral student working for your research collaboration with a public laboratory. His work will lead to the defense of a thesis in three years and you will hold the research results!

Develop an innovation with a service contract
The laboratory puts its skills, know-how and equipment at the service of your company, based on your specifications. Against remuneration, the service guarantees you full ownership of the results and the Intellectual Property.
Aquitaine Science Transfert helps you write your specifications and identify the relevant laboratory(s). We also draft the service contract.
NEED A BENEFIT? What if we talked about it?

Finance the development of your innovation.
For the benefit of the companies, we invest in the maturation of the results of the research by bringing them up to the proof of concept. For companies that will exploit the innovation resulting from this maturation, the risk in R & D is lower. To better understand how AST can help you, download our handy guide to business innovation (FR).
NEED TO FINANCE AN INNOVATIVE PROJECT? What if we talked about it?