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- Electronic and Digital Partnership Business Manager F/M
- lectronics/Instrumentation Technician Specialized in Gas Sensors (M/F)
- Maturation Engineer Specializing in AI Applied to Therapeutic Molecule Discovery (M/F)
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- Chargé.e de mission La Rochelle H/F
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Our innovations
Innovations catalog
- CINSARC : Complexity INdex in SARComas
- PROJANUS : Mass production process of bifunctional particles for cosmetic & high-tech applications
- DEFICARBONE : Unweaving and realignement machine for carbon fibers
- Titanium Functionalized Bioactive Implants with Intelligent Antibiotic Systems
- Vibration-Assisted Drilling
- LEDµSF: Portable spectrofluorimeter using LED sources for non-invasive analysis of cultural heritage artworks
- FibroCOPD : Drug repurposing for the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- HOBIT: Hybrid Optical Bench for Innovative Teaching
- VOLBRAIN : Software to analyze mMRI brain data. It provides a report including volume information on brain structures
- µ-NLO: versatile µ-imprinting process of second order non linear optical properties in glasses
- POLARGLASS : New process for glass hardness improvement by thermal poling
- AICHA : Atlas of Intrinsic Connectivity of Homotopic Areas
- EZ LINK : Multi Gb/s Plastic Wire
- MICROLENS: New Versatile µ-Imprinting Process of Refractive Index Gradient
- INDEME: A targeted approach for vitiligo
- 3D Model of lymphoma
- OLIGONUCLEOTID TABLETS: Process to formulate oligonucleotids into tablets for an oral administration
- Predictive test of the response to anti-TNFα treatment
- COMGAZ : High Presure Sampler
- Innovative design for an improved tubular heat exchanger
- High power Ytterbium pumped femtosecond Optical Parametric Oscillator
- HELP (Hydrogen Energy at Low Pressure) : On-demand, easy-to-use dihydrogen generation solution
- DOMINOES : Design of new enzymes for the biosynthesis of innovative amino acids and peptides
- IRS: New resonator topology miniaturized for transmission device and inductive coupling allows volume reduction
- Vesseloïds: A new model of guided self-organization allowing rapid formation of functional artificial vessels in one step
- BIOACTIM : BIOACTIVE TOOTH IMPLANT - Patented concept for an innovative bone implant connection
- FERROFLUIDS : biocompatible oily ferrofluid for better thermal tumor ablation efficiency
- CERES : Software to automatically analyze the cerebellum in brain MRI to provide a report including volume information on different aspects of the cerebellum
- pBRAIN : Software providing parkinson’s disease related deep nucleus segmentation using T2w MR images
- HIPS : Software providing hippocampus subfield segmentation based on two different delineation protocols using both monomodal (T1w) and multimodal (T1w and T2w) MR images
- LESIONBRAIN : Software providing IC extraction, brain tissue clasification and delineation/classification of white matter hyperintense lesions using T1 and flair MR images
- ASSEMBLYNET : Software providing segmentation of the intracranial cavity, brain, cortical lobes, cortical and subcortical structures using a T1w MR image
- Plasmid plug & play : User-friendly plasmid for iterative cloning of long dna fragment
- PIR: Robotization of the installation of fixing inserts in composite structures
- Differential Chirp Spread Spectrum : Improve efficiency of chirp spread spectrum modulation
- New lipophilic formulation of α-tocopherol
- Automated characterization of recycled aggregates using deep learning
- New generations of microgels comprising multiple properties
- Trustchain: Proof of Guarantee and Reputation (POGR): A lightweight, eco-efficient and fair consensus
- ASSEMBLYNET AD : Software to automatically detect/predict dementia in a t1w brain MRI and to provide a report containing two scores based on structure grading and structure atrophy.
- DEEP-LESIONBRAIN: software to automatically segment white matter lesions from MRI data and to provide a report with the volumes of the lesions and their locations
- G-Stat: New treatment for diffuse midline glioma and hepatoblastoma
- LIS: Lung Imaging Software
- High-temperature-usable polyamides 6
- Microbicidal agent to reduce microbial resistance
- Mycosporines Innovative uv anti-aging cosmetic ingredient inspired by marine biomimicry
- Holisticka: Hydrogel for bone reconstruction
- New Lipophilic Formulation of α-Tocopherol
- High-performance hydrogen storage technology at room temperature
- N-doping of perovskite solar cell: Technology that increases the power conversion efficiency of solar cells
- BaTiO3 nanosheets for the formulation of dielectric inks with remarkable properties meeting the technical requirements of printed electronics
- Bioinspired molecules for pharmacomodulation
- Photosensitive Liposomes : Novel photosensitive liposomes, and their use in delivering and releasing an active ingredient in a controlled manner.
- Controlled thin coating of poly-ionic liquids for CO2 electrochemical conversion
- Continuous spinning of mof nanoparticules, a composite fiber material that unlocks the full potential of mofs
- Synthesis of two reagents for an efficient separation of chemical intermediates
- Automated headspace sampling system that enables the monitoring of chemical reactions through operando sampling.
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Innovations catalog
Consult our laboratories
- LaBRI : Bordeaux Computer Science Laboratory
- IMS : Integration: from Material to Systems Laboratory
- IMB : Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
- I2M : Institut de mécanique et d'ingénierie
- CELIA : Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications
- LIUPPA : Laboratoire de recherche en Informatique de l’UPPA
- LOMA : Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d'Aquitaine
- LP2N : Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences
- ESTIA : École Supérieure Des Technologies Industrielles Avancées
- LCPO : Laboratoire de Chimie des polymères Organiques
- ICMCB : Institute for Solid State Chemistry Bordeaux
- ISM : Institute of Molecular Sciences
- IPREM : Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for Environment and Materials
- CRPP : Paul Pascal Research Center
- BioTis: Tissue Bioengineering Laboratory
- CBMN : Institute of Chemistry & Biology of Membranes & Nano-objects
- ISVV : Institute of Vine & Wine Science
- BPH : Bordeaux population health – Research Center
- EPOC, Oceanic and Continental Environments and Palaeoenvironments,
- CENBG: Nuclear Studies Center of Bordeaux Gradignan
- LaTEP : Laboratory of Thermal Engineering, Energy and Processes
- IHMC: Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Infections in Humans
- IRAMAT-CRP2A: Institute for Research on Archaeomaterials - Center for Research in Applied Physics in Archeology
- MICA : Mediation, Information, Communication, Arts
- HACS : Handicap Activity Cognition Health
- Georessources & Environment
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