High-temperature-usable polyamides 6

Technologie Matériaux avancés et actifs
Be the first producer of high-temperature-usable polyamides 6
Researchers from the Laboratory of Organic Polymer Chemistry (LCPO) have developed a new synthesis pathway for polyamides 6 (PA6) giving them a higher operating temperature.
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Innovative solution
The innovation concerns a process for synthesizing PA6 that are rich in aromatic functions, imparting a higher operating temperature to these PA6 compared to conventional PA6.
This synthesis method is based on a combination of ring-opening polymerization and chain polycondensation. The process can be carried out using the same reactants typically used for aliphatic polyamide synthesis, with the addition of an aromatic amine or one of its salts as an aromatic comonomer.
Possible application
Matrices for thermoplastic composites
Competitives advantages
- Expanding the range of applications for PA6. Glass transition temperature Tg reaching up to 75°C (with an aromatic content of around 20%)
- Easily industrializable synthesis as it is based on processes commonly used on an industrial scale (a combination of ring-opening polymerization and chain polycondensation)"
Developed by : Stéphane Carlotti - LCPO (université de Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP)
Propriété intellectuelle
EU, US, CA, JP Patents (issued in Japan, US).
US: 6 process claims, JP: process + compounds.
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