CINSARC : Complexity INdex in SARComas

Domain Health and wellbeing
Technology Metaomic
- Around 30,000 new cases of sarcomas are diagnosed every year in the US and EU
- Sarcomas are rare cancers for which treatments and prognoses can vary widely
- The classification and prediction of the metastasis risk is particularly difficult and currently the analysis is based on a histological grade.
- Such analysis is not very accurate and can often leads to sub-optimal patient management
- A molecular signature (67 genes) was identified by a multidisciplinary team of researchers in Bordeaux and published in Nature Medicine in 2010.
- This signature, called CINSARC (Complexity INdex in SARComas), allows the classification of patients into 2 subgroups of good or poor prognosis depending on the metastasis risk.
- Applicable for NGS and CGH-array analysis of frozen and FFPE tumor material
- Efficacy retrospectively validated in the majority of sarcomas through tumor samples
- CINSARC is more predictive than the histological grading
- CINSARC is the future gold standard in sarcoma medical practice
The maturation with Aquitaine Science Transfert led to the validation of the CINSARC signature predictive value
Frederic CHIBON
Jean-Michel COINDRE
Actions for onCogenesis understanding and Target Identification in ONcology
(ACTION, U 1218)
Patent application: WO 2010/122243 A1