BIOACTIM : BIOACTIVE TOOTH IMPLANT - Patented concept for an innovative bone implant connection

Domaine Santé et Bien-être
Technologie Dispositifs bio-embarqués
Current implants can lead to failures as:
- Implant instability
- Micro-movements
- Infection
- Bone loss
- Screw-implant loosening
15-20% population in developed countries suffer from severe periodontitis, it is a major public health problem.
Innovative solution
This new implant design ensures stabilization and primary connection thanks to a "Press-Fit" Effect.
- Orthopedics :
- Dental implant
- Any bone-implant assembly
Competitives advantages
- Implant Concept - “Material-Process-Product”
- Works as a periodontal ligament
- Improves continuously the bone growth
- Improves sealing and stiffness control
- Simplifies tools, implementation and extraction
- Reduces durations and costs of medical care
- Allows modularity or customization
Proof-of-Concept demonstrated, analytically and experimentally :
- Numerical Comparisons with Models from the Market
- Analysis of the bone tissue distribution into the mandible (Bone Reports)
- Numerical Simulations and Mechanical Characterization in Foams
Next steps :
- Numerical Simulations and Mechanical Characterization on ex-vivo Bones
- Biological Trials on Minipigs (Centre for Innovative Technology)
How it works
This new kind of implants decrease the risk of peri-implantitis by transferring the load to the middle of the implant vs. top of the implant for screw-retained implants.
It promotes osseointegration and the primary bone-implant connection.
The solution combines :
- Elastic implant: mimics the natural tooth / bone interaction
- Non-screwed implant: Manual expansion / relaxation of the implant
- Mesh structure implant: optimal osseointegration
- Biocompatible implant: composite material Titanium / Niobium / Zirconium
- Standard dimensions: Ø from 3 to 5mm, L from 10 to 15mm
- Production process by additive manufacturing
Implant pre-concept. Post-implantation profile (left) and implantation profile (right) with elastic possible radial variations under axial loadings.
Developed by Michel Mesnard PhD. & MSc. Mechanical Engineering at Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (I2M)
Propriété intellectuelle
Priority deposit n°2006780
+33 5 33 51 43 26
Ref: #SBE_2019-047_202102